Saturday 15 April
A lovely day and most of it off - we go for a snorkel (really lovely coral, and masses and masses of different fish), read, catch up with diary and play Carcassonne (our favourite board game). Mr. Fir takes us to our 5.00 gig, which is now not at Pericamen but at Kreung Raya 2 (not the Kreung Raya we did before, rather confusingly!)
No pictures, sadly
It's a difficult show as the audience is small to start with, though it probably builds to about 100 children and 180 adults by the end (and a rather mad man, possibly drunk or drugged, who insists on joining in a lot and being a bit of a bore) but Hags is hysterically funny. There is a whole group of middle-aged men watching from the other side of the road, and Haggis goes across the road and one at a time, holds their hand, does the Green Cross Code with them and leads them across to join the audience. Luckily they think it is very funny! He then proceeds to lie down in the middle of the road in front of an approaching lorry - everyone is in hysterics by this time - and Haggis's back is absolutely filthy! Sadly the camera battery had forgotten back at the hotel, so I didn't get any pictures - a great shame as there would have been some wonderful pix! Haggis disappears into a shower afterwards, and emerges 20 minutes later looking a lot cooler and a lot cleaner. We buy isotonics and coca cola and head back to our sweet (and very cheap at £10 a night for a double room) Tuna Cafe - more Carcassonne-playing in one of the little balais, watching the full moon shining on the sea and bed, looking forward to a snorkel in the morning.

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